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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Hardest Part of Quilting ~ Choosing Colors

Over time, this WILL become less taxing and more enjoyable. Mother Nature does it every day! Clothing designers do it all the time, and we trust them because we buy their stuff without thinking twice about it ... look at what you have on now ... be it PJs or jeans or a dressy outfit leftover from work ... or something you created yourself. Whatever it is, it's the same thing when QUILTING ... really it doesn't matter. Sure you want it to look nice, but it's YOUR CREATION, so no matter what you choose, it's GOING TO LOOK NICE because YOU PUT IT TOGETHER. I personally prefer NAVY BLUE and WHITE. EASY EASY EASY !!! Any other color and white you can't go wrong with either ... Red/white, Green/white, Orange/white, duh, Black/White! ... See ... do those a few times then branch out a little, like I was told "get out of your comfort zone" ..

So, TRUST Nature, TRUST your Fabric Shop Ladies, TRUST your COLORWHEEL, and most of ALL ..... TRUST YOUR OWN INSTINCT !!

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