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Friday, May 28, 2010

My 'rookie' efforts at quilting

I wanted to share my photos in an effort to help those who may just be beginning ... and for those experienced quilters too : ) This BLOG leads to a website that has the notions for quilters, but that doesn't entirely mean the owner of the website is the most ~ ahem ~ experienced quilter. Just like beading, I have only recently become VERY addicted to quilting.

This <><> DOUBLE NINE PATCH <><> pattern is from my Level 2 class I took back in January of this year.

It looks crooked from here, but really it isn't ~~ it's just that the navy blue squares are not all the same size, as you can (unfortunately) see in the first picture. BUT, that's quilting, for you "newbies" ... and as my instructor LIZ says, IT'S OKAY! Don't worry about it. And it's true ... it really does take ALL OF THE FUN right out of quilting if you stress over every little part of it. Sure, you want it to be right ... so take care, and try to make it right ... but don't make yourself SICK over it! Then it NEVER will be right, or DONE!

No, this one is not finished. I do have the binding and backing on though.
It is not finished because of the binding .. and believe you me, that's a WHOOOLE 'nother story! :)
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