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Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Good Deed

I wanted to share this with you because I am proud of myself for this contribution. I've gotten mixed reviews from folks about how the kids get the hairpieces (paying vs not paying or how much, etc) .... I checked the website and there is a fee (for some), which stands to reason, but the organization works with all the families and well, see for yourself if you are interested ... http://www.locksoflove.org/faq.html . It makes sense. Nobody can do anything for completely free ...

Anyway ... I wanted to share this in hopes of inspiring some others to do the same.  It's painless and sure does make your heart feel good, knowing you are helping someone less fortunate.  YOUR hair will grow back. I got mine cut on August 13th (ha, it was a FRIDAY too!) and see how well it has turned out :) . It's already a couple inches longer and I'm very satisfied with how it looks. My hairdresser took more than the required 10" off (she got about 12"!) but you'd never know it now. (That's NOT me in the picture by the way!) 

It's a simple thing you can do that takes just a few minutes and can be proud of forever.

Postcard Received from Locks of Love for Hair Donation in August 2010

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